Sunday, 6 September 2015

The Lake

This was written about my experience this summer:

The sky is dark, dimly lit by a few lonely stars. Far below the galactic expanse, there sits a cool, blue lake. Within its bounds are a few small islets, none much larger than a common home. Every night, when the sky has shed its cloudy coat, the lake shimmers under the pale moon, casting a glow of warmth that almost invites you to dip your toes in a bit. Thee are not many fish in this lake, though some speak of the legend of a creature, six times larger than a man lurking in the lake's depths. As the lake water crests and dips, there is the appearance of thriving schools of creatures, trying desperately to escape the watery bonds that surround them. However, this is not to be - when the wind settles into a calm and gentle rhythm, the lake returns to its friendly and cool nature.
Around this lake are tall, green forests that stretch as far as the eye can see. They cast a shadow of wisdom as though they have been standing guard, protecting the lake for many generations. Tall oak and maple trees dot the shoreline, their roots cracking through the ground as dirt turns to sandy beach. At midnight, the soft hoot of an owl is all that is heard, its call traveling softly over the lake like a stray feather drifting in the wind.
On this lake lies a summer camp, its history and traditions deeply rooted around the lake and surrounding woods. Its buildings, though not brand new or in tip-top shape, shine with a bright hue in the sunlight and keep their occupants warm, safe and comfortable. This summer camp has many activities to keep everyone entertained - campfires, archery and sing-a-longs to name but a few. With the rising of the flags bright and early in the morning, the day has begun! Each new day brings a new and unique basket of memories, patiently waiting to be dished out. Tales of laughing so hard that you cannot breathe, seeing sights that make you stand and stare in awe and more are what is to be expected when visiting this camp. Moments that make you cry, laugh and everywhere in between - these things are what keep this camp's doors open year after year.
In a way, it is a perfect match - an amazing summer camp, sitting within a boundless and spectacular forest, overlooking a beautiful, shimmering lake. It captures one's very best and most memorable experiences. At this lake, Lorimer Lake, you cannot help feeling but one thing: you are home.
